Tuesday, July 11, 2006

This month in review....

Wow! What a wild and wonderful past four weeks we have had. It started out with the birth of our 2nd beautiful son, Nicholas, and ended with Patrick's birthday party yesterday. Two weeks ago, we traveled to OKC for Chuck's cousin, Jeff's wedding. Erin, his new bride, is a beautiful girl inside and out. The wedding was really lovely, however, the Roberts' family had quite a scare when on the way to the wedding, Jeff's parents and the two grandmothers were in a car accident. Ironically, we had seen an accident on the way to the ceremony but did not recognize anyone or the car, forgetting that Chuck's aunt Linda got a new car last year. Anyways, Chuck's mom, Aunt June & Uncle Donnie went to the hospital to be with Charlece (Chuck's grandmother) who ended up with a cracked sternum. In the meantime, Henry, Linda and Linda's mom, Billie, were able to make it to the wedding, and the ceremony and reception went on as planned. We were so thankful that no one was injured any more than they were. It could have been so much worse, especially considering that both grandmothers did not have on seatbelts. The next day we were off to Throckmorton for my niece Chloe's 4th birthday party. Chloe is growing up so fast and such a sweet girl. I love having a little girl in the family to give lip gloss and other "girly" things to.

For the 2nd of July, we had a family b-day celebration for Patrick here at the house. My brother, Russell, gave Patrick this really cool glider that you can launch 500 feet in the air. Well, the grown men were so excited they raced out to our backyard (barely remembering to bring Patrick) and they shot it up into the air directly under one of our enomorous Silver Leaf Maple trees. Well, you can guess what happened next...it was stuck. Chuck than had to climb on the roof and throw every dodgeball, football and soccer ball we own at the glider until he knocked it down. So then, the guys proceeded to make plans to go to the park and launch the glider. The funniest part was when Patrick said, "Uh, guys... I think we should just wait and do it tomorrow." But the guys convinced him and they ended up going to the park. It was lots of fun for the big boys as well as Patrick, too. For the 3rd of July, Patrick, Nicholas and I were able to join Chuck at the Four Seasons and eat fabulous BBQ and watch an awesome fireworks display over the golf course. Patrick was so cute when he decided to wear his Jr. Chef outfit so he could match his daddy. The 4th of July was spent with Chuck's mom, Mel. We had a relaxing day with dinner and then fireworks over the lake. The best part of that day for Patrick was the brand new electric guitar Grandma Mel gave him. He was so thrilled and has been so excited to tell everyone about it. When she arrived to our house that day, she told him that she had a big present in her trunk but he had to wait until daddy got home to get it out. He pleaded to go look and so finally, they went to look. The guitar box was wrapped in a big black trash bag, and Patrick saw the outline and said "Hey, that looks like a guitar!". Grandma said, "No, that's not a guitar, just a box that looks like a guitar." So later after he opened it, he was like "Why did Grandma lie?" We explained that Grandma was just trying to keep his present a surprise. He decided that when it is Grandma's birthday that he will put a candle in the guitar box and then when she asks "Did you get me a guitar?", Patrick will say "Yes, it is a guitar for your birthday" but really he plans that there will be a candle inside and we will trick Grandma!

So, if that wasn't enough traveling and activites, this past weekend, we went to Lake Texoma for Chuck's annual family reunion. This has been a yearly tradition in the Roberts family for over 30 years. I am so happy that all of the cousins still come now that we are all in our late 20's & 30's. There are 25 of us now and we all have such a good time together. Patrick got to help dig up the time capsule this year and had the best time playing in the lake and going fishing and golfing with the guys. The guys made a game out of ball retrieval for Patrick and he thought that was a lot of fun. We were happy to have Chuck's mom's friend Bill with us this year as well as Erin and of course Nicholas. He had his first boat ride and had a wonderful time being held 24/7 by everyone.

After arriving home on Sunday afternoon, we headed over to VBS. Great job, PP & JB. Patrick is having a great time. And then yesterday, we had Patrick's birthday party complete with his new play set, the giant inflatable water slide, the slip n' slide, water guns & water ballons. It was wild, but I think all of the kids enjoyed it, especially Patrick. He has a great group of friends from church and from Pre-School. Thanks to everyone for their help to make it such a special and memorable day. And then last, but not least, we celebrated my dear grandmother's birthday last night. Guinea turned 88 on Sunday, July 9th. Happy Birthday, Guinea! We love you!


Blogger Amy C said...

You have had about 3 months packed into the last couple of weeks. Wow! Sounds like you guys have had a lot of fun. It is fun reading about your sweet family, especially Patrick. What a funny boy. I love his maturity. It is so funny! Thanks for sharing.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Pearson Family said...

Margaret...I wish I could have seen Patrick dressed in his chef outfit. I know that Chuck was so proud to show you guys off. You have been so busy, remember to rest. You are still a new mom. I also love the story about the glider thing. That is too funny. Boys will always be boys!

10:27 PM  
Blogger Kim Q. said...

FABULOUS post Margaret! How cool about the family reunion. What a FUN birthday party!I love love love Patrick! He is soooo precious! He has such a passionate personality! I could listen to his stories all day long, he tells them in a way that truly connects you to the story. You guys are a beautiful family! It is a blessing to watch you guys celebrate life, and is obvious that you hold God as the center. I love you guys!

7:25 AM  
Blogger jenny biz said...

YUM! Four Seasons BBQ for July 4th! You have had tons of activity this past month! WOW! You are probably ready for a vacation!

9:06 AM  
Blogger amerriman said...

M - You have been so busy with the boys! I hope you are enjoying this time with them, it seems to pass very quickly. Your boys are precious!

11:50 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You have been so busy! Matthew and Ethan had a great time at Patrick's party! It was so fun!

8:51 PM  
Blogger Phillips Family said...

I think I need a nap after reading your post! It was great to catch up with what your family has been doing and see pictures of the new baby! Somehow I have not found your blog until today! Hope you got some rest after such a busy week.

5:21 AM  

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