Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday 13

Thirteen Things on My Mind Today...

1. World Hunger - I know this is an old story. How do we turn our backs on it and go on with our trivial lives? After Kim's blog and then Oprah's show yesterday, I can't help but feel ashamed of myself for ever having a thought of wanting more. Wanting more stuff or more vacations or more time with my husband. How can I ever possibly complain about anything in my life? I have so much to be thankful for. As I watched Oprah yesterday with tears streaming down my face, Patrick wanted to know why I was so sad. "Why can't we just feed those people in Africa, Mommy? How about about we take all of the money from my piggy bank and we send it to them. Will that help?" If only we could all have the simple wisdom of a 5 year old. I told Patrick that is why the first thing mommy and daddy always say in our prayers is "Dear God...Thank you for our food...".

2. World Peace - Another old story. I feel like this is the end of days. Maybe not in my lifetime, but probably for our children.

3. Breast Cancer - Probably looking at another biopsy. The doctor who did the ultrasound yesterday was "pretty sure" what he saw was a hardened cyst. My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer at 36. I am pretty sure I am pretty scared.

4. My Grandmother - After 66 years in the same house, she is moving to a retirement center due to recent problems with short term memory loss. I love my grandmother. It has been hard to watch her deteriorate so quickly. I always assumed she would live forever. I love that house. It is my childhood home of warm feelings, good food and fond memories. While the house will remain, the times are gone. I know this is just one of the many seasons of life, but still sad.

5. Pregnancy - Two special people I know that are trying to get pregnant. May God bless you with the miracle of life.

6. Widows - How do you go on without your spouse of 30+ years? Time may make it easier, but not any less lonely.

7. My Brother - He has graduated college, has a good job and is in love! It is amazing what happens when you let God in your life.

8. Kindergarten - I am nervous. The school supply list brought on tears. Will have to wait until the last minute to go shopping.

9. Weight Loss/Exercise - The starving people in the world worry about having too little to eat and I worry about having too much to eat.

10. Chuck's Job - May God provide the answers he is looking for.

11. Budget - Can we ever get one? Will I have to go back to work all of a sudden?

12. Service - How can I be of service to others and take care of my family, too?

13. OK - one silly one- FOOTBALL! Two and a half more weeks until pre-season starts!


Blogger jenny biz said...

Hang in there with Kinder! It is a sad time but Patrick will love it.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Pearson Family said...

Oh Margaret. I had no idea that you were looking at another biopsy. Please keep me informed. Your blog brought many emotions...many of which I have also felt. One hint: don't wait until last minute to buy school supplies...they won't be there, or not the color Patick wants! Hang in there woman. Let me know if I can do anything.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You have a lot on your plate right now. Let me know what your doc says. I'm right there with you on Kinder. I am dreading it like crazy.

1:19 PM  
Blogger 1literatimommy said...

i will keep you in my prayers with the biopsy.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Phillips Family said...

Thinking of you!

7:26 PM  
Blogger amerriman said...

Deep thoughts you have! I am thinking and praying for you!

8:09 AM  
Blogger Amy C said...

Life is so hard, and with such a mix of emotions. I will be praying that all is well with the biopsy. Kindergaten is so fun. School supplies on the other hand really stink. I find Walmart to be the best bet. Good luck soldier. If your school sells prepackaged supplies, always do that. Cheaper and they don't let them keep their own supplies anyway. I love ya.

11:06 AM  

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