Friday, May 08, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

OK, I am not sure what is letting Patrick do this (although he said it was Nicholas' idea) or me documenting it! We used to listen to a band called the Butthole Surfers and this is what that term means. At least Patrick got him all suited up for safety, right?

Chuck got the boat out of storage a couple of weeks ago to work on it. He found this really cheap place to store it when we moved here (it is around $16/mo). You should see this storage facility. It is where old boats that have sunk or broken down, beat up RVs and rusted out cars go to live their final years. Please, if anyone out there wins the lottery, could you please buy my husband a new boat so he can let this one go? The last two times it has been on the lake it has broken down and of course there is the famous sinking incident at the dock. Boat repair shops won't even look at it because it is too old.

That night, Chuck got sick with a horrific stomach virus. I won't go into details, but it was really bad. Two days later I woke up about 4:30 with the same bug and Chuck called into work to stay home with me and the kids. I was amazed! Chuck won't even stay home from work when he is sick (he had been sick on his days off), but he said he knew how bad I was going to feel and had to be there to watch the kids. I had scheduled a piano tuner that day, so I was lying upstairs feeling like I was going to die while listening to the guy downstairs tune the piano for an hour and a half. In retrospect, it was funny. Thankfully, Patrick did not get sick but, Nicholas got it the next day. Oh what a mess...what a lot of laundry.


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