Tuesday, April 07, 2009


We went camping over Spring Break with our neighbors. We were unprepared for lows in the 40s and we nearly froze. This was a trial run camping trip to see how Nicholas would do and to see if our old tent (from when we used to camp before kids) would be large enough. Well, it was not, but we had a great time anyway.

Nicholas and Ally

Chuck changing lures over and over again for Nicholas.

Paula and Austin roasting bananas! Paula found a recipe online where you peel a small piece of off the banana and then scoop out a sliver. Then you put Nutella and marshmallows and roast it. Chuck said it was really good.

Bentley enjoying marshmallows too!

This picture was from the next weekend when we went camping in Rusk for 2 nights with the Boy Scouts. We only got one picture the entire time. We arrived Friday afternoon and set up camp. It was extremely cold and windy. I made Frito Chili Pie for dinner and when I was cooking the chili on the camp stove, the tarp over the picnic table kept getting blown off the center pole and then the pole would crash down and hit me on the head. Oh, and then there was the rain that all of a sudden came out of nowhere. We brought along thermals and more blankets this time, but we were still cold Friday night. The low was 35 degrees! Saturday, we were to go on a train ride between Rusk and Palestine. It was a 25 mile train ride there and back with an hour and a half lay over. This was all supposed to take 3 hours. Well, 7 hours later, we finally made it back to camp! Our train became disconnected from the engine and they had to send another train. It was such a long day, but the boys did fine. After we got off the train we went to Walmart and bought a propane heater. That helped quite a bit the next night. Many of the families left Saturday because of the freezing cold. It was a weekend I will never forget.


Blogger amerriman said...

I am proud you braved the cold to go camping. The banana recipe sound great!

6:25 PM  

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