Sunday, September 06, 2009

Writer's Block

I wouldn't really call myself a true "writer", so maybe this is a life block. This past summer has been hard. Maybe the last 18 months have been hard. There are a lot of contributing factors. We haven't involved ourselves in a church. Chuck works Sundays and I have visited several churches with the boys. We have enjoyed one for the last year, but it is huge and I am shy. Add two stubborn little boys and a very unmotivated/depressed mother to the picture and you get sporadic attendance and no friends made. My self esteem is in the trash. I used to try and take Nicholas to story hour at the library. I used to try and take the boys to local free activities. Now I barely leave the house. I feel so bad about myself that I feel like I am punishing the general public by having them see me. I wish I could sleep all of the time. I take naps as often as possible. Chuck said the other day that I am striving to be unmotivated. That seems like an oxymoron to me.

In other news, Patrick started 3rd grade last week. He seems to be enjoying it. We put him in Kumon (tutoring/cram school) in the middle of July. It is a series of work sheets that he does daily and they should take 7-8 min. per packet. As I write this now, the time is 1:48pm and Patrick started at 8:30am. He still has not completed his 2nd packet (he normally has one reading and one math). I put him in a time-out earlier in his room and took away his legos (for while he was in his time out). In true Patrick fashion, he then said "Why don't you just take all of my toys away!". I cannot tell you how many times Patrick has said this starting around 4 yrs of age. So today, I did it. I gathered up trash bags full and plastic bins and carted them out. We have tried rewards, bribery and multiple ways of grounding. He still fights us. We wonder if we should just give him a free pass to fail and see what happens. We put Patrick in Kumon to help him memorize his math facts and improve his reading/comprehension. Even though he made straight As last year except for one B, we feel he needs some extra help in preparation for what we have heard is a very hard grade (3rd). So we are now in a battle with him. Not only over school homework, but Kumon as well. My dad is a psychologist and he has worked with lots of kids and even he said that he has run into very few kids as stubborn as Patrick. So there it is, the dirty laundry for the week. I am tired of pretending on this blog that life is always so exciting and great. Life is hard and full of challenges.

Nicholas is starting pre-school on Tuesday. He has been looking forward to it all summer, but when we pulled into the parking lot Thursday night for 'Meet the Teacher', he had a major melt down. He thought he was going to be attending Patrick's school. He said through screams and tears.."I don't want to go to this school..I am going to Patrick's school!". I finally got him in the door but he would not respond to his new teacher or anyone there, for that matter, and I had to carry him through the classes. Other than that, Nicholas is a complete joy to be around. He loves to be silly and try and make us laugh. The other night during prayers he whispered to me "Mommy, do you like your bo*bies? I don't I don't like your bo*bies. They squish me". He finally decided to go poopy in the potty this past Monday and he has done really well except that he wants to save it to show Patrick and Daddy for when they get home. Yes, it is gross, but it is working. Before, he was just waiting until he had his night time pull up on and then going before bed. He also gave up his beloved "ga-gu" (pacifier). He just decided about a month ago that he didn't want it anymore. He said that it was messing up his teeth and he didn't need it. Yippee! Two very big obstacles gone in a month and for that I am very thankful.


Blogger amerriman said...

I appreciate you sharing your dirty laundry. We all try to hide to put on happy faces. I know we don't talk that often, just know I think about you daily - we have the same struggles being re-located! Please call when you need to hear a familiar voice - I would love it!

4:10 PM  
Anonymous ted rannila said...

dang margaret i wish all my other parent-friends were even half as prepared for school as ya'll guys sound, especially ourselves included. i consider our "parent as educator" skills pretty impressive too.

6:25 AM  
Blogger Becky Lynch said...

Girl, moving is so hard! I remember how hard it was for me when I moved back to Texas and knew no one. I still struggle with not having the close-knit relationships that I had always seemed to have. Plus, I am really good about shoving my dirty laundry anywhere I can that people won't notice it! Let me know if you ever need to talk!

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read your blog. We love you! Mom and Dad

8:14 AM  

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