Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you?

I will never forget that day….

I was working for a dentist. A woman I worked with came in from her morning commute telling of what she had heard on the radio. A plane had struck the WTC. We immediately changed all of the TVs in the oporatories over to news and watched in horror as a second plane struck the WTC. My office manager began to cry. She said “My baby is going to war.” Her son was in college at the time and she assumed there would be a draft. We all stood there speechless as we watched the morning unfold. We all watched in horror as people jumped hand in hand from the buildings. We watched the people on top of the roofs waving desperately for rescue. We saw the footage of the aftermath of the plane that hit the pentagon and wondered what was next. Then we heard of flight 93. It all happened so fast. I wondered if this was the end…if Jesus was coming. Then the towers crumbled and were gone. I cried for the people that were so frightened in the end. I prayed for their families. Later in the day, I watched in horror again as people in Pakistan celebrated our tragedy. I wondered about this hatred. What had we done as a nation to breed this animosity? How could children be laughing?

That night, I was videotaping Patrick with the news blaring in the background. He was 2 months old. I wondered about the tragedies he would witness in his lifetime. I prayed for his future. I prayed for our nation’s leaders. I prayed for the victim’s families. In the days that followed, it was so terribly sad to watch the people of NYC looking for their loved ones. I hurt for them. I know how deeply this tragedy affected me. I cannot even begin to imagine the grief that those affected personally by this day encountered. My God bless them. May God bless the families of our fallen soldiers that are fighting for our freedom. May we not forget.


Blogger Pearson Family said...

So sad. I had forgotten watching the other countries celebrate the devastation.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Amy C said...

Bryan picked us up from ladies class at RHCC. He was afraid they would continue the attack beyond what had already happened. That was a terrible day and following. I don't understand.

3:08 PM  

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