Monday, December 18, 2006

6 Weird Things About Me (requested by Amy)

1. Eggs - I have not eaten them since I was 10. I can't stand the taste, smell and texture. When I bake with them, I have to take the umbilical cords out. I actually think of them as chicken miscarriages.

2. Making Chuck Share - I can't stand the idea of us not sharing the same bathroom sink. I have my own, but I refuse to use it. I won't use my own email address either. If I were to use these things of my own, what would be next...seperate beds?

3. My Toes - They look like fingers. They are double jointed and my big toe looks like a thumb. They creep me out sometimes. I would like toe surgery.

4. Using a Fork - Chuck pointed out years ago that I do a little stabbing dance with my fork before I touch it to the food on the plate. Recently, I noticed my mom does this as well.

5. Breathing - I still check on Patrick to make sure he is breathing at night. I think it is because of his prematurity and that he had an apnea monitor for his first four months of life. However, if I wake up and can't hear Chuck breathing beside me, I check him, too.

6. Empty Swimming Pools - A fear since childhood.


Blogger Unknown said...

I make Scott share his sink with me too even though we have two as well!

10:08 PM  
Blogger Amy C said...

I use Bryan's sink a lot too! Why have two to clean? The swimming pool thing is scary too. . . my younger cousins actually decided to skateboard in one and it turned out really badly. Thanks for the wierd list.

10:32 PM  
Blogger 1literatimommy said...

Those of funny. It is sweet to think of you still checking on Patrick. Motherhood is defintely something primal. I used to think I didn't have any oddities, which is its own oddity. Also, I cannot stand crowds of people, especially when they don't honor your personal space.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about this stabbing fork gene but I will watch you the next time we eat together.

7:29 AM  

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