Thursday, February 28, 2008

Still Here

Moving has gone well. Reuniting with Chuck after 6 weeks alone with two boys has made a world of difference in every one's attitude. Moving weekend (last Friday & Sat) was somewhat stressful. After the movers came and took all of our stuff on Tues & Wed, the boys and I moved in with my parents for a night. Nicholas didn't do so well without a crib, so I asked Chuck to call his old hotel and see if we could have rooms. We did get a very nice room with two balconies and in usual Four Seasons fashion, we were quite spoiled. However, Friday night, when Chuck & I were cleaning up our old house, Nicholas took a tumble in our hotel room that required 5 stitches and two CT scans in the ER. My parents were enjoying room service at the Four Seasons while watching the little stinker. He got his stitches out today and has been a real angel throughout the whole ordeal. So back to last Satuday.... Bentley, Nicholas & I followed Chuck, Patrick, the cats and the mistress (boat). At one point, Chuck pulled over on the side of the highway and asked me if I had seen anything fly off the trailer because it didn't "feel right". I said I hadn't and we went on our way. About 30 minutes later, I called him and told him I wanted to stop for coffee. When we turned in to McDonald's, I noticed the left wheel of the boat trailer almost spinning off. He checked it, and would you believe? It was the lug nuts that he had felt flying off the wheel! Nothing but the grace of God kept us safe, I am sure! Anyways, my parents were about 30 minutes behind us as were Chuck's mom and grandmother, so we called them and arranged a meeting at McDonald's. I took my mom, Nicholas, the cats & Bentley and Chuck, Patrick and my dad stayed behind and fixed the wheel. Nicholas had awakened from his nap when we stopped at McDonald's and then proceeded to screamed at my mom and I for the next two hours. We had to stop so many times that Chuck's mom and grandma got 45 minutes ahead of us. Finally, he did fall asleep about 30 minutes away from our new home and we all made it safely. We said a BIG prayer of thanks to God when we arrived.

Patrick is adjusting well to his new school. After we went and registered on Monday, I asked him if he was excited about his new school. He said "Yeah, I can't wait to meet all of my new friends". Ahh... through the eyes of a six year old. We should all be so positive!

So far, we absolutely love the area we are living in. The trees are awesome and the whole town is geared toward families. We feel like we made a very good choice. It has been a really exciting week. Our camera's charger is missing, so if we unpack it soon I will hopefully take pictures of the new house. Goodnight for now....


Blogger Pearson Family said...

I have been waiting for you to post! EXCITING! Margaret, your life is never dull. I am glad that Nicolas is okay! How scary. I can't wait to see pictures!

10:23 PM  

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