Tuesday, April 17, 2007

C*nfessions of a B*red Housewife...A day in the life...

I started working full time at 17 and never really developed hobbies. I like to oil paint and read and garden, but the painting involves space, time and set-up/clean-up. In the last year of staying home with Nicholas, I find myself relieved of not having to wake-up and go to work, but yet lost in my house trying to figure out what to do with myself. Chuck leaves at 8:45am and is home anywhere between 8-10pm. I know there must be more things I can be doing to help other people or better myself, but what? I find joy in life through the moments of play with Nicholas and reading books or playing games with Patrick. The rest of the day is monotonous cleaning, errands, cooking and laundry. When I worked, I had everything scheduled and seemed busy all of the time. Now, I am sitting around waiting...waiting to feed Nicholas, change a diaper, put him down for a nap. Waiting to pick up my little buddy from school. I find myself way too dependent sometimes on Patrick as a 'friend' instead of Patrick as my son. It is 9:01 pm now. Chuck just called and is on his way home. He is the first adult I have talked to all day. It was raining today, so we didn't go to the park after school where I usually talk with the other moms. Here is a typical day for me...I'll try and not bore you to tears.

7:15 am - Wake up Patrick and get him dressed for breakfast that his awesome dad has prepared.
8:00 am - Feed Nicholas breakfast.
8:15-9:30 am - Playtime with Nicholas
9:30-12:00 pm - nap time for both of us
12:00-12:15 pm - Lunch
12:15-1:00 pm - unload the dishwasher, vacuum, tidy up
1:00-2:00 pm - walk at the mall or run an errand
2:15-3:00 pm - pick up Patrick from school and proceed to park
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - prepare dinner if we don't have left overs from Chuck's days off, Nicholas nap time, Patrick reading/game/sports/TV time
5:00 pm - Bike ride with Patrick by the lake or in the neighborhood
6:00 pm - eat dinner with boys
6:30 pm - Patrick shower
7:00 pm - Patrick watches Power Rangers while Nicholas takes a bath
7:30 pm - story time for both boys and bottle for Nicholas
8:00 pm - watch TV, read or continue to clean up from the day (I constantly clean or do laundry - it is kind of an obsession)
11:30 pm - bed

Wow. There you have it. 24 hours of me.


Blogger Pearson Family said...

I am SO jealous of your morning nap time! I want a morning nap time!

9:11 PM  
Blogger Amy C said...

Have you ever checked out Fly lady.com? I know that getting a system isn't the answer to everything, but she helps me find productive things to do with my time.

If nothing else, you might find a few good tips.

That is kind of the trap that you can fall into staying home. But, you can get out, it just takes thinking outside the box, but is always worth it. In AL I used to go on walks and look for elderly or just lonly neighbors to talk to.

It got to where when they knew it was time for me to walk, they would just appear in their yards. I would talk to whoever would. Some days were better than others, but I got quite a social route.

I know how you feel with the high maintenance hobbies. I oil painted too. Way to smelly and messy to have around children. Hope you find an easier hobby soon.

1:15 PM  
Blogger 1literatimommy said...

I have felt the way you just described more times than I can count. We need to get together to make our days go faster!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey it worked!!! And that's why we are going to join MOPS next year! We'll have fun, and meet other moms who have monotonous routines. Last time I did MOPS there was even a craft time for the moms!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Phillips Family said...

I am joining MOPS in the Fall as well. What chapter are you and Kelli joining?

I imagine it is hard when your source of adult conversation does not come home until 9pm at night!

Call me--our nap times are different (ours is in the afternoon), but we are always open for some playtime/adult interaction!

3:52 PM  
Blogger amerriman said...

Call me when you are bored, we can meet at the park!

10:21 PM  

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