Thursday, March 06, 2008

That Darn Cat...

got out for an hour last night and somehow managed to get bitten on his hip. Now, besides the traumatic tail accident 5 years ago, this is the THIRD time he has been bitten on a the hind quarters by another animal. It is so weird because he is the most laid back scared cat you would ever meet. So, we are back to the vet tomorrow. He is still on his laxatives and we are monitoring his trips to the litter box (Correction: I am doing the monitoring, Chuck is completely irritated by the expense this darn cat's bum has cost us over the years!). We will be boarding all three animals for the next 5 days, anyways, as we are going to Oregon for a family reunion with my dad's side of the family. My grandmother, Valentine, just turned 91, and my brothers and I have not been to see her since 1998. I can't believe it has been 10 years. So much has happened! Chuck was with us on that trip, however, Brandi wasn't because her and Richard had just started dating and of course there were not any great grandchildren yet.

I finally found the charger for the camera so pictures of the new house should be coming soon. Nicholas is really a cutie pie these days. He is always looking like he is up to something. He is ready to engage in play at any moment and is always flirting with strangers. I really have to watch him as he charges toward escalators with out any concern or climbs to the top of the big kid playscapes squealing with delight as I tell him to come back only to have him laugh and go further. He has also mastered the fine art of blowing his nose. It was funny the other night when I heard Patrick yell, "Ew, Nicholas, stop blowing your nose on my robe!". He is loving drawing, dancing and helping clean. I am fortunate to have another great little helper. The other morning in church, it warmed my heart when I opened the pew provided red Bible, and he insisted on closing it, saying "Bible" and patting it. We don't have a red Bible. Even though we were visiting a new church, I felt happy that he understood where we were.


Blogger Amy C said...

Oh my. I hope you all have a great time on the trip! I know you will. I can't wait to see pictures. I am so thankful for blogging.

12:29 PM  

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