Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday at the park and some stories

It is hard to get a real smile out of Patrick. They are usually silly or forced looking, but I like this one a lot, even if he isn't looking at the camera. Nicholas has been a real prankster lately. He loves to get a mouthful of water while swimming and then spit it in your face. He thinks it's hilarious no matter how much we scold him. He has also been chasing the cats with water guns. Every time I try and change his diaper, change his clothes, wipe his mouth, etc., he runs away screaming and laughing. It is cute the first time, but all day long of this game gets old. He is very sweet other times bringing his dishes to the sink and always saying please and thank you. I was having a power struggle with Patrick last night over doing a breathing treatment and Nicholas said "Dow-jow, time-out! One...two..three!". This made us both laugh.
Last weekend, Mel and Jack came for a visit and Patrick asked me how to spell "carnivore". I told him and then later he came and asked for string, solo cups and tape. I was on the phone at the time, so I wasn't paying much attention. After I got off of the phone I went to see what he was up to and he had a sign strung across his doorway that said "Carnivore Room". He had made 4 very elaborate games from tinker toys, solo cups and various balls. I started laughing and said "Carnivore ?". He said "No, mom, I said carnival! Does that say carnivore?". He was embarrassed and fixed his sign, but I was amused at him welcoming his grandparents to stay in the "Carnivore Room". I videotaped the games he made. They were really quite ingenious. The one out of tinker toys was even 5 feet tall.


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