Thursday, July 24, 2008


Chuck has been on vacation for the past 3 1/2 weeks and I have totally neglected my blog. I also joined myspace (yes, I know, as usual I am way behind the cool kids) and started finding old friends. The 4th of July was unremarkable except for the fact that I had to leave Chuck & Patrick at a party because Nicholas was behaving so badly. He did perk up when my mom and I took him to see the fireworks, though. He is still talking about the boom and pointing up into the sky whenever we go by our local mall. Patrick's b-day party was on the 5th and it was a beach theme. We found these cute message in a bottle invitations at the party store. Chuck made Blue Hawaiin drinks, fruit kabobs, chicken, pork & veggie skewers, California rolls, masoobi (Hawaiian sushi made with Spam!), potstickers, carrot/coconut slaw, mango salad, spicy Thai noodle salad, grilled sausage, Hawaiian rolls, and mini pineapple upside down cakes. We had a pinata that would not break open, disco lights in the pool after it got dark and then we shot off fireworks, my favorite being the boat fireworks that went off in the pool.

Sunday, Chuck's best friend Brian came for a visit for a couple of days and it was great to catch up with him. Tuesday, we left to go to Throckmorton for my grandmother's 90th birthday party. It was really special because the whole family was there. My cousin, Sarah and her husband, Diego, came from Argentina. My uncle Harry and his wife, Donna and my cousin, Will came from California. We also had a lot of distant cousins come as by for a visit as well. There was a reception at her old house and then we went to church that night and had cake and punch in the fellowship hall. She had saved a lot of her birthday cards over the years and my mom had put them out on all of the tables for people to read. Nicholas adopted a new phrase that he says over an over. "Shoo baby Ma-kay, shoo! shoo!" He wouldn't let me hold MaCrae and he still says that when he sees his picture in our house.

Thursday, we went to WF to rest for a night at my MIL's house (because of Nicholas keeping us up for 2 nights, we were exhausted) and then onto Lake Texoma for Chuck's family's annual reunion on Friday. We had 100% there this year and it was a lot of fun. I think there were 25 of us. Again, it was a little tiring for me as Nicholas would not have anything to do with anyone else and threw himself on the floor at least 5 times a day if I put him down. Welcome to the terrible twos.

So, we stopped at my parent's house Sunday to drop off Patrick to stay for 4 days with his cousins and see his friend, Edie. They went to VBS and Great Wolf Lodge and had lots of fun. Chuck and I relaxed at home with Nicholas who decided to become an angel child without his competition around. After we got Patrick back on Thursday, we just went to the beach one day and I guess that was it. Nicholas absolutely loved the waves. He is a little daredevil! He would get on all fours and let them splash him on his face. Chuck went back to work yesterday and I pulled my back out while putting Nicholas in the car. I have been limping around today wishing he was still home with us:(


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