Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I scream... the sight of spiders and roaches. This has caused Patrick to be scared of them as well (I know, my fault). Chuck normally takes care of spraying for bugs, and he only does the outside of the house due to the chemicals. However, since we have moved into a house that was completely remodeled from top to bottom because of some very disgusting people (we later found out), we have had the bug people come and spray inside. This has caused quite a few dead spiders and dying supersize roaches. So, this morning, I was making breakfast and Nicholas tried to hand me something. I thought it was a dead spider which made me freak out enough. I took his hand and shook it and the spider dropped out and ran away! He had picked up a live spider. I know this is par for the course for toddlers, but it still made me squemish.

We had a pretty good week last week with Chuck out of town. He was called back to his old job to help out with the major golf tourney they have each year. Just when we thought he had escaped it...anyways, we joined him at my parent's house on Friday and had a great weekend seeing my family and visiting our old church family. I am glad we can still keep in touch with them. They are still a blessing to us even if they are far away. Mel & Jack came through for a short visit on Monday on their way back from a cruise. We are fortunate to have great families on both sides.

Patrick is catching up in school here and now we are faced with the dilema of holding him back or letting him go on to 2nd grade. The schools are tougher here and we thought at one point that it was going to be an easy choice to hold him back, but now he is really excelling, so what do we do? All of you teachers out there, what do you think? He will be 7 in July, so to go into first grade again in the fall would not be a big deal.

And, to wrap up this post, I must express my dissapointment with the Mavs. They have let us down in the playoffs, yet again.


Blogger Amy C said...

I am all for being held back and driving first and being larger in sports. Socially it helps to be older and what a great thing to have a little edge academically instead of the struggle.

THat is just my two sense. Bryan and I both were held back. My sister convinced me to wait as long as possible to put our kiddos in.

2:58 PM  

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